Syntax ======================= .. highlight:: javascript This document specifies the language's syntax by showing some code examples. You can see the Clever parser grammar on :doc:`../internals/grammar` page. Comments -------- - Single line Everything in a line after `//` is considered comment and it is discarded by the Clever interpreter. :: // Comment y = x; // Performs a copy - Multi-line Multi-line comments are similar to the C one. :: /* This comment can be splitted in several lines. */ Variables --------- - Clever is a dynamic typed language, so the type of a variable is bound in runtime. Use the keyword `var` to declare a variable. :: var a = 'foo'; // get_type(a) == String a =, arg2); // get_type(a) == Foo - Unitialized variables have value of `Null` :: var foo; assert(foo == null); - Use the `const` qualifier to ensure that it will not be changed (i.e: assigned with other value) :: const foo = 'bar'; foo = 'baz'; // throws an Exception Functions --------- - Functions are created with the `function` keyword :: function add(x, y) { return x + y; } - Functions are objects and they can be assigned to variables :: var myfunction = function(x, y) { return x + y; }; - Functions can be passed as argument to functions, and even to be used as default value for parameters :: function test(msg, func = println) { func(msg); } test("hello"); // prints 'hello' - Function call :: var foo = doFoo(); var sum = add(1, 3); - Chaining function call :: function abc() { return function() { return 3; } } println(abc()()); // 3 - Variadic functions :: function show(args...) { args.each(println); } show(1, "foobar"); - Closure :: var f = function (x) { return function () { return x; }; }; var a = f(123); var b = f(321); print(a(), "-", b()); // 123-321 Scope rules ----------- Clever uses lexical scoping. :: var foo = 1; { var foo = 2; ++foo; } println(foo); // 1 Native Data Types ----------------- Examples of construction of native data types in Clever. For full reference (methods, properties, etc) please refer to: `Types`_ .. _Types: - String :: var str = 'fooo'; - Numeric :: var myint = 1; var otherint = 0xC1E4E8; var adouble = 3.141517; var biginteger = 1234567891011121314151617181920; - Boolean :: var bool = (true || false); - Array :: var arr = [1, 'foo', true,]; - Element access :: var x = arr[0]; var z =; - Write :: arr[2] = false; - Map :: var map = {'name': 'Clever', 2: 'foo'}; var empty = { : }; - Access :: var name = map['name']; // Null if an element with key 'name' doesn't exists - Set :: map[3.1415] = 'pi'; User type ------------ - Creating a new type The name rule for type creationg is: the name must start with an upper case letter. :: class Foo { var a; function setA(v) { this.a = v; } function getA() { return this.a; } } - Property access As seen below, access to properties are done by using the `this` variable. - Class constructor To declare a constructor you need to declare a function using the same name than the type itself. See below: :: class Foo { function Foo() { // Constructor } } Control Flow ------------ On condition, just the literal boolean `false` and `null` are evaluated to false value. Everything else is a true value. This means the integer zero is evaluated to true. - If statements :: if (1 - 1) { // okay, 0 is true! } - While :: while (foo() || bar()) { doBaz(); } - For :: for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { update(i); } for (entry: container) { } - Spawn statement creates a new thread or a thread vector. :: spawn thread_name { ... // statements block. for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { ... // do something. } foo(); } // or... spawn thread_name[2] { // create two threads. ... // do something. } - Wait statement is used to waiting a thread or a thread vector finish. :: wait thread_name; // wait threads called "thread_name". - Critical statement defines a critical section in the thread. :: spawn t { critical { doSomeCriticalOperation(); // here, you can read a file or a standard stream. } } Errors and Exceptions --------------------- - Syntax error On syntax error, the compilation is aborted. - Runtime error Some internal methods can throw exceptions. - Throwing exception :: try { throw 'test'; } catch (e) { println(e); // test }